Photo by Jacob Drabik

The Lens

The Lens is the FotoFocus editorial platform, highlighting our programming and featuring in-depth conversations on photography and the moving image drawn from perspectives and insights in our community, throughout our region, and around the globe.

FotoFocus Patrons Experience Two Photo Biennials in One Month

Posted on November 1, 2023

FotoFocus Patrons enjoy many photo and lens-based art events during their 2-year membership. This September, a group of sixteen traveled from Cincinnati to Montreal, Quebec, to visit the Momenta Biennale de l’image. Shortly after their return to Cincinnati, they also visited the Louisville Photography Biennial in a full one-day adventure, truly making September a month to remember.

FotoFocus Patrons enjoy many photo and lens-based art events during their 2-year membership. In the first year of the... Continue reading FotoFocus Patrons Experience Two Photo Biennials in One Month